Sportcasting - which in a parenting context means making factual observations about what your child is doing - has to be one of my top positive tools.

It's just so.... neutral.

Whenever we're tempted to rush in with a "HEY, STOP THAT" or a judgement or a command, sportscasting gives us the breathing space to think about our response.

It's also low effort. You're just making observations and neutral statements that are less likely to get a defensive reaction. In fact they help children feel seen in their struggle.

Most of all, I love how saying things out loud has an instant normalising effect on difficult feelings and behaviours without reinforcing poor choices.

By taking away the shock and shame factor it can lead to faster regulation and/or problem solving.

Sportscasting loses its effect the minute we expect it to change behaviour. Whenever I hear myself say "Hmm I see mess on the floor" with stern tone and raised eyebrow it becomes a very obvious - and passive aggressive - attempt at manipulation.

Use it with playfulness, emotion coaching and other positive tools and you have a very powerful combo.

Here are some examples of when broadcasting is most effective:


When Kids Act Ungratefully


Parenting Under Threat