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What is Positive Parenting?

Positive parenting is a peaceful, informed approach that helps children develop self esteem and self discipline.


Raising Kids without Shame

Supporting our kids respectfully asks us to think about our own childhood conditioning.

For generations, parenting has focused on managing behaviour, often through shame-based discipline.

It comes from believing that feeling bad about what you’ve done will lead to better behaviour, and that giving children too much freedom will lead to anarchy.

Scolding, threats and punishments might achieve compliance but they can create humiliation, self-doubt and more defiance.

Positive parenting is gentle but it’s not permissive. Firm limits do exist, but used to empower rather than to control.

Coaching is a proactive process that helps parents learn positive discipline for the benefit of generations to come.


Conscious parents, thriving kids

Positive parenting puts the parent-child relationship above everything.

Coaching supports parents to grow stronger connections with their children.

From unconditional love flows cooperation, closeness and ease.
Children flourish when they feel understood and valued to their core.

Parents are less triggered by behaviours and less overwhelmed by difficult emotions.
Everybody feels less stressed and more respected.

What’s the Evidence?

The academic in me loves to keep up with the latest findings.

These research studies are by no means the very last word in best parenting practice but a selection of the many studies that support a non-punitive, secure attachment approach.


When a parent truly understands their child’s inner world, everything falls into place.

Many parents embrace positive parenting through coaching. Beyond books and courses, they’re looking for:

  • A framework for positive parenting.

    Knowledge and skills to end power struggles and set confident boundaries.

  • Targeted, evidence-based tools.

    Practical and positive strategies to address specific challenges at home.

  • New motivation and enjoyment in their parenting.

    Breaking past patterns to find more playfulness, trust, empathy and presence.

Typical Parent Coaching Outcomes

  • Clarity around where your child is at developmentally.

  • Confidence in setting limits that work for everyone.

  • Communication skills that build connection and cooperation.

  • A toolbox for your own and your child’s self regulation.

  • A stronger sense of your personal needs and boundaries with ways to honour and model them for your children.

  • Strategies for handling challenges from defiance to perfectionism.

  • Working with consequences that don’t involve threats or punishments.

  • Building a stronger family identity where everyone feels valued.

  • The right approach to engaging your partner in positive parenting.

  • Greater conviction in your parenting when in the company of family, friends and other parents.


 “I wasn’t sure about parent coaching but so glad I gave it a go. When I started to make links with what I needed as a child, it made me want to dig deeper to offer that to my son. I’ve always felt there’s a kinder way. I’m so pleased to say we’re now closer than ever.”

Rachel, Mum of a 10-year-old
