How to Help Toddlers with Transitions without the Power Battle

Sometimes with all the planning in the world, our toddler just does not want to leave for wherever it is we're going. We can add extra time, give choices and be playful and STILL their resistance might escalate.

For parents trying hard to be responsive and respectful, following through on leaving can be tough. It brings up an inner conflict between needing to go and wanting to respect our child's voice.

Some fears I hear from clients:

If I put her in the pram against her will, is that being authoritarian?

Do these episodes traumatise him, and will he hate me for it?

If I override her choice, what does that teach her about holding her boundaries?

These fears are testament to how much you value fostering secure attachment and self confidence.

But in moments like this, when you've tried everything, fear can cloud your thinking instead of helping you mobilise.

Staying calm helps us access more of our brain to see the bigger picture. We can weigh up whether leaving now or staying a bit longer is better for meeting everyone's needs.

And in the moments when we decide yes it's time to leave, our kids need our empathy and conviction.

Instead of repeatedly explaining WHY we have to go, we pick them up and acknowledge their loss without justifying the decision: "You didn't want to leave the playground... Mmm, I hear you... I'm going to put you in as quickly and gently as possible."

Your warm, unshakable energy here is everything. It's how we move through life with our toddler, transitions and all, while protecting and respecting our relationship.


Struggling to Hold Boundaries around Treats and Screentime? Try this.


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